Sunday, 20 April 2008

My Diary 2.

Out of bed early but then went to sleep in Daddy's arms and snored. Loudly.

Mummy decided to walk to church with me in the sling and I managed to hold out until the sermon despite the second reading (1 Peter 2:2) making me very hungry. After the service I charmed a few people and ate then skilfully steered Mummy home again. This was very tiring work so I went to sleep on the way back. Mummy got us back OK; I really ought to give her more credit for knowing what she's doing.

I then napped through lunch. Thankfully it was waiting for me when I woke up. Embarked on an intensive exercise programme - stretches, crunches, gurgling, cooing and tried out my new door bouncer.

I then had a story, a few good feeds and finally asked to be put to bed.

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