Friday, 11 July 2008

A baby and a balloon

Happiness is hitting Mummy with a balloon. What a pleasant bonk bonk noise it makes.

Daddy and I had yet another Father-Son day today. We hit the toy shop (John Lewis). We looked at new (bigger) Chairs of Doom and I bought some new toys. We then went to a shop where I received a free balloon. Of course this was preferable to bought toys.

We also went through the cupboard and removed my 6-9 month clothes. My 6-9 month Baby vests have begun to burst asunder. Clothes Sellers - why aren't clothes sold in correct J sizes? As the most important Baby I demand correctly labelled clothes. Onto the 9-12 month Baby vests. Agoo.

I am also working on a tooth or two. Can one become addicted to Calpol? I hope not. Mine's a pint thank you.

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